
Saturday, May 18, 2019

GREAT! Worse Security on iPhones! Thanks, government! Apple World News.

People talk about how iPhones are more secure or how Android is more secure but I honestly have never heard of anyone with a virus on their phone.

Pixel 3a XL vs iPhone 7 Plus: is a 3 year old iPhone better? Apple World News.

Today we're comparing the iPhone 7 Plus to Google's newest mid-range smartphone, the Google Pixel 3a XL. We talk specs, screen tech, and how the camera performs.

Spotify vs Apple: The Whole Story, World Tech News And Innovations.

If you follow tech news at all you’ve probably seen recent headlines like these: “Spotify Accuses Apple of Using App Store Approval Process as a 'Weapon to Harm Competitors’” “Apple Says Spotify Seeks to Keep All Benefits of App Store Without Making Any Contributions to Marketplace” “Spotify files antitrust complaint over ‘Apple tax’” and “Apple to be formally investigated over Spotify’s antitrust complaint” And if you’re wondering what the heck is going on between these two companies, you’re not alone. So in this video I’m going to break down the whole ordeal piece by piece and help you understand how this situation began, where it’s at today, and what could happen in the near future. Special thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video!